I’m an in-demand keynote speaker, delivering customised presentations with helpful take-out advice for your audience.
What makes a great keynote speaker? Is it confidence? Absolutely. Expertise? Likeability? Enough (but a non-creepy amount) of eye contact? Definitely.
But being a great keynote speaker is really about one thing: passion.
My keynote presentations are packed with practical, actionable advice and firsthand experiences from years of working with some of Australia’s best companies and agencies.
Social media, digital marketing, and online communication can be scary, confusing, and overwhelming. But the one thing they should never be is inaccessible.
I want to help demystify the fast-paced world of social media, marketing and communications for you, your audience, and your team. You want a keynote speaker who can explain things like you’re five without making you feel like a child.
Customised for your audience, no matter your field, my presentations are all about empowering audiences to take action and use the digital tools we have at our disposal to drive engagement, boost bottom lines, and make more meaningful connections.
I’ve given keynotes for organisations as diverse as the Pharmacy Guild, Tourism Tasmania Industry Council, the Property Council, the National Police Media Directors’ Association and the Farm Machinery and Industry Association.
Getting it right online means getting ahead. If that sounds like something your audience will want to hear about, get in touch.
My keynotes are informative, engaging and, most importantly, helpful.

Some of my social media keynotes and presentations:
You know, there’s actually a good story behind all that noise…
In a world where the crazy outweighs the calm, we do not need more content. Cut through the shouting and learn to give your customers what they need, when they need it – rather than shoving it down their throats. Find the balance between your long-term goals and short-term needs and become effective with your messaging. In other words, let’s do more with less.
Format: 30-45 minute keynote
Building your personal brand online
Online personal branding isn’t just about social media platforms… It’s about authenticity and purpose on those platforms.
Let’s look at how you can use social media’s power to make your personal brand shine.
Format: 30-45 minute presentation
Don’t just create campaigns – create experiences
Content is the backbone of community management. Communities rally around content, whether it’s short- or long-form. But there’s more to content than just the publication of branded material.
If your goals are to increase engagement and create prospects, community management should also be a key driver of your content activities.
Format: 30 minute presentation
Marketing your business through social media
Take a quick look at current trends in marketing and understand why you must embrace social media for your business.
Format: 30-45 minute keynote
Social media for business (workshop)
I will take your guests on a tour of the social media world, exploring and explaining how social works and how you can make it work for your business.
We take a deep dive into the platforms your business or clients need to know and the latest trends in digital marketing.
Format: 2hr+ hour workshop
Right from the word go Meg engaged the audience with her enthusiasm and passion for social media marketing, delivering content highly relevant to our regional businesses and communities. Our audience had varying levels of digital competency yet Meg was able to seamlessly address each question or query. Her professional and flexible approach was a dream to work with and comes highly recommended.
Elizabeth Brennan
A few of the events I’ve spoken at…
Content Marketing World (USA) · State of Social · ContentTECH Summit (USA) · Advertising Week · Hard Rock APAC Sales & Marketing Conference (Indonesia) · Tourism Tasmania Industry Council · National Police Media Directors’ Forum · EducatePlus · Pharmacy Guild of WA · Emergence Creative Festival · Local Government Professionals WA · ATEC Meeting Place · AHA Hospitality Conference · Property Council WA Retail Conference · Tourism Council WA Annual Conference · Meetings & Events Australia WA · Farm Machinery & Industry Association of WA · Property Education Foundation · ATAP Northern Territory · South West Business Women – Busselton · City of Perth · WAFarmers AgConnect Conference · WA Beer & Brewers Conference · Australian Society of Association Executives · and many, many more…

Get in touch
If you’re a conference organiser looking for a keynote speaker or someone looking for customised social media workshops, please get in touch.